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by Dawn Depke Yes, I said celebrating men! After two days with Alison Armstrong I truly believe that men are...

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by Glen Depke For those that are having challenges within their relationships or if you have already ended a relationship,...

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by Glen Depke Do you really want to know how to reach peak performance and live this way for most...

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by Dawn Depke Shiatsu is an amazing form of Bodywork that was conceived by combining Chinese Acupuncture and Japanese Anma...

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Greetings! Congratulations for making the commitment to yourself for taking the steps to change your health and change your life....

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by Glen Depke I have had some readers recently ask me what I take in the way of supplements and...

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by Glen Depke We do recognize that as a nation we want the quick fix. We want everything now and...

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by Dawn Depke I’m willing to bet that you or someone you know suffers every month with menstrual cramps so...

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by Dr. Jonny Bowden Agave nectar/ syrup is basically high-fructose corn syrup masquerading as a health food. It’s easy to...

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by Glen Depke I have clients come to me for a wide array of health challenges. Some have been diagnosed...

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by Glen Depke So, how do you feel about your vacation health? I know you may be thinking; what vacations?...

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by Glen Depke While it is important to achieve proper omega 3 balance throughout the year, it is especially prevalent...

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by Glen Depke So really, how important is a positive night’s sleep? Your body does most of its maintenance and...

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How many of you know that there are ingredients in our personal care products that are cancer causing? (All information...

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by Glen Depke I am amazed to see the increasing number of clients diagnosed with thyroid challenges that enter my...

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by Glen and Dawn Depke Due to the frustration of many American’s with our current system of health care, really...

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