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by Glen Depke

We do recognize that as a nation we want the quick fix. We want everything now and we need everything now. Hey, I’m with the rest of us in that regard but there are areas that the expectation of the quick fix can really set us up for failure.

The most significant challenge I see with the quick fix attitude is in health care. The key word here is health care and not symptom care. If we want to address proper health in a natural way that is going to be long standing and successful, this takes time, commitment, and an openness to new ways of thinking.

I have a story that I have told for a number of years that makes sense of this, so here you go.

There is a man walking in circles, under a light in the dark with his dog, staring at the ground as he walks. A friend recognizes him as he is jogging by and asks what he is doing. The man shared that he lost his keys and has been looking for them for some time with no success. If he does not find his keys, it is him and the dog on the front porch for hours until his wife comes home. The friend very kindly offers to help; so now you have two men and a dog walking in circles under a light in the park looking for keys. Ten minutes goes by, then fifteen minutes and finally twenty minutes, when finally the friend finally asks the question. Are you sure you lost your keys right here? The man who lost the keys shared that he heard the keys fall out about one hundred yards away in the dark by the bushes, but he felt that he would never find them in the dark. This is the reason he is looking under the light.

Now please tell me that you think this story is absolutely absurd! While this story is so completely ridiculous, did you know that this is what most do with their health? Most people lost their health somewhere in the dark by the bushes but they are looking for it under the light. This is for those that either want to visit the doctor to simply take a pill or spend a weekend at a spa; while all this time thinking they are going to find their health in the easy and comfortable place. As I mentioned earlier, I am all for simple and easy but often in your search for health and wellness you will find that healing is not a passive, feel-good spa treatment or taking a pill. It is at times a gut wrenching, life-altering, exposed, experience to be done in alignment within your highest potential. It is not about feeling good, curing illness, or making things nice. It is about facing your challenges, recognizing your role in creating them, and taking responsibility for all of this.

Recognize that as you move through your journey you will find multiple levels of success and feeling better, but it really is a journey. I started my own personal journey toward health and wellness about twenty years ago and I have yet to reach the pinnacle and to be completely honest with you; I feel that it is not a goal to reach but a journey of learning and growing to enjoy.

It is also important to recognize that the length of time you have put into your health challenge, it will typically take about 10% of that time or more to get back to some state of balance. With this in mind, if you have been making poor health choices for 20 years that has led to your health challenges; you should expect to make positive health choices for at least 2 years before you see a major change for yourself. It does not mean you cannot feel better before 2 years, but don’t expect too much and set yourself up for disappointment and failure.

The other challenge is that so many individuals follow some great protocols and spend quite a bit of money yet they find no success due to the fact that they never address the simple fundamentals first. Following a proper healing protocol continues to place the body in optimal states to heal naturally.

In my opinion, the starting point for everyone is to focus on their fundamentals of health. There is a series of posts from January of this year at that touches on these very fundamentals. Sometime within the next month we are also releasing a 7 part video series that you can purchase for only $97.00 to walk you through all your fundamentals to begin your journey toward health and wellness.

I would also suggest that if your challenges are long term and chronic to work with an experienced natural health practitioner to address the common challenges that are created when the fundamentals have been imbalanced for so long. That would include assessing your adrenal function, assess your GI health and your body’s ability to detoxify properly. If you cannot find a practitioner in your area to address these areas with confidence you are welcome to contact me at or call my office at 949.642.2094. I work with clients throughout the United States so I am very familiar with distance work.

Please remember that your journey to health and wellness is just that; a journey. Do not create unrealistic expectations for healing that you will not be able to obtain. The frustration and disappointment of these unrealistic expectations can derail all of your success and progress. The body creates miracles every day and I have seen these miracles with clients so often through the years. You may be next!