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by Glen Depke

This is a significant question these days for many of my clients. I will share that for most, this is a definite yes. I also have to share that the answer to the question often is not that simple though. Let’s look at this from a few different vantage points today.

First of all, there are many people that do not digest meat that well. I would first suggest that the meat itself is not the issue. Poor digestion is typically the issue here. This could be due to a lack of proper enzyme activity, poor bacteria balance, lack of stomach acid production or GI distress such as some type of pathogenic challenge. This could also be an issue due to eating while under stress or from simply not chewing your food thoroughly. Once these areas are addressed, it is amazing to see the improvement in the breakdown of meat overall. It is of utmost importance to address these areas though, due to the fact that meat that sits in your GI tract for too long will tend to putrefy and lead to added toxicity, which is never a positive for you. Follow these simple steps below to reach optimal digestive function.

  • Take a quality probiotic, digestive enzyme and HCL supplement if meat breakdown is a challenge
  • Always chew your meat sources very well
  • Deep breath before and during meals to allow for proper digestive function
  • Assess possible pathogens with your holistic health practitioner

The other area to understand within this question is the reality that we are all bio-chemically different. While one person my excel eating red meat or higher fat, heavier seafood such as shrimp or salmon, another may actually be challenged with this. Some are best to keep their meat consumption to light chicken or turkey or lower fat, lighter seafood such as tilapia or orange roughy. Some individuals actually require meat with regularity while others may actually do fine with very little meat with additional plant based proteins. Remember, we are all bio-chemically different!

Understanding your Nutritional ID is so important to make this distinction. This goes back to the same saying made by Hippocrates some 2600 years ago, “One man’s food, is another man’s poison.” This is just as true today as it was so many years ago.

Thankfully by the beginning of the year, will be providing the Nutrition ID evaluation on-line at no cost to you. This will provide you with the basic understandings and guidelines for making proper nutritional choices that are best for you as an individual. As we get closer to the launch date of the Nutritional ID assessment, we will address this on a much deeper level for your understanding.

Lastly today, I would like to focus on quality of your meats. I am never one to recommend meat that is grain fed, farm raised seafood, or any meat source this is in an unhealthy environment, eating poor quality food and pumped with hormones and anti-biotics. This would not be considered healthy in my opinion. Using smaller quantities of healthier meat choices goes a long way in providing your protein needs. Companies such as Vital Choice and Blackwing Meats are some of the sources that I use and enjoy personally.

I would like to close by sharing once again that meat itself is typically not the issue. The issues with meat are generally tied into poor digestion, the consumption of poor quality meat or eating the types of meats that are challenging to your own personal Nutritional ID.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave this below and I will address these personally.