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by Glen Depke

I know the title sounds a bit dramatic, but this is so true. I have very recently discovered proteins that are creating inflammation, gut/brain issues, adrenal dysfunction as well as immune challenges. If I did not have this new found awareness, this would have been the single biggest factor leading to my personal health demise. Who says ignorance is bliss, it can actually kill you.

I have to say that I love when I have a challenge that everyone else can learn from. This not only allows me to find new levels of health and happiness for myself but also for all that I am able to reach out to. 

So what are these proteins, what are they about and what damage do they do?

First of all, let me discuss how I found this out. 

About three weeks ago, I went in for a blood drawn to complete a cross reactive food test. To refresh your memory, a cross reaction test will assess your potential intolerance to proteins that are similar to the proteins in gluten. This  potential intolerance is to the foods listed below.

  • Rye, Barley, Spelt, Polish Wheat
  • Cow’s Milk
  • Casein
  • Casomorphin
  • Milk Butyrophilin
  • Whey Protein
  • Milk Chocolate
  • Oats
  • Yeast
  • Coffee
  • Sesame
  • Buckwheat
  • Sorghum
  • Millet
  • Hemp
  • Amaranth
  • Quinoa
  • Tapioca
  • Teff
  • Soy
  • Egg
  • Corn
  • Rice
  • Potato

Well, out of this list I am personally intolerant to the foods listed below.

  • Casomorphin
  • Milk Butyrophilin
  • Whey Protein
  • Yeast
  • Coffee
  • Sorghum
  • Millet
  • Hemp
  • Amaranth
  • Tapioca
  • Teff
  • Soy
  • Egg
  • Corn
  • Rice

If it seems as though I was repeating the list, that is because out of a possible 24 different cross reactive foods, I am personally intolerant to 15 of these. The interesting fact is that I eat many of these on a regular basis. With that said, what is happening to my body when I consume these?

The first challenge is that chronic inflammation will occur in my gut. This in itself leads to poor digestion, poor immune function and adrenal challenges. The challenges in my gut will then lead to brain issues over time. With a history of dementia in my family, anything that would create brain dysfunction is much less than welcomed. The immune challenges over time would lead to an autoimmune reaction and long term, autoimmune disease. The adrenal issues lead to challenges with all the areas listed below.

  • Thyroid
  • Pancreas
  • Ovaries (Obviously, not for me)
  • Metabolism of fat and protein
  • Poor regulation of body weight and fat
  • Mucosal membrane breakdown
  • Detoxification issues
  • Poor immune regulation
  • Challenges with pro or anti inflammatory processes
  • Poor blood sugar balance
  • Fatigue
  • Issues with the muscular/skeletal health
  • Poor memory and mental clarity
  • Insomnia
  • Poor neurological pathway function

As you can see this is a HUGE issue!

Over time, if these cross reactions were not found and addressed, this would eventually kill me and it would likely be a slow agonizing death. I know, dramatic again, but so true!

To understand the mechanisms here, you have to first understand gluten intolerance. When someone is gluten intolerant and they consume gluten, this lead to the same factors listed above. When gluten has been a long standing issue and the gluten has not been removed from your diet, which is the case for most, your body will begin to recognize other proteins similar to gluten as gluten and the whole cascade of health challenges can be caused by these other foods.

So yes, you can be eating and egg with cheese and hashbrowns, all while leading to chronic health issues and the slow agonizing death. 

Not fun, right?

So you may be thinking that I am quite upset. Actually, quite the opposite. I am thrilled!

Understand that my goal is to live a life of amazing health and happiness, so to find out that I am consuming food that is actually creating quite the opposite for me is very welcome. With this information, I recognize that simply being gluten free is not enough for me. It is now time to buckle down and move forward in life with some of old regulars as far as food choices are concerned, as non existent foods in my mind.

What is funny about this is that I have been gluten free for a number of years. Actually about 6.5 years. With this I would have the occasional gluten free beer, which is made with sorghum, that I am intolerant to. Many of the non gluten grains that I have consumed over these years, you guessed it, I am also intolerant to. The fried eggs with cheese that I would often enjoy in morning, yes, intolerant too. Any bread, gluten free or not has also been an issue, due to the yeast intolerance. Heck, even the corn tortilla on a taco and the rice on the bottom of my sushi are all intolerant foods.

So now you know why I can say that ignorance is not bliss, it can actually kill you!

Please use my learn to understand more about your personal level of gluten intolerance and cross reactivity. I just may save your life as it has mine!

To learn the likelihood of gluten intolerance for yourself, click here.

If you would like to learn more about a cross reactive test, call my office or have your health professional order an array #4 from Cyrex Labs. You can reach me on my direct line at (949)954.6226.

I would also suggest that you forward this article to anyone that you know if gluten intolerant or you suspect is gluten intolerant. For anyone in question, let them know about the complimentary gluten assessment at Depke 

Help spread the word, you may actually save the life of a friend or loved one!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave this below for me to personally address.