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by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath There are many factors that impact your health that we discuss often. This may include:
  • Hormones
  • Gut health
  • Brain health
  • Inflammation
  • Food sensitivity
  • And so much more…
With all this said, what is the single biggest factor in your health? This factor lies above your shoulders. And I am not talking about your hairstyle, make up or if you have bags under your eyes. I am talking about what most would consider your mind and to be more specific, what is going on for you mentally and emotionally. To take this even deeper, we can talk about the subconscious patterns that are running your life. To understand this deeper let’s first look at the difference between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. First off, the subconscious mind can process approximately 2,000,000 bits per second of information. Yes, that is two million! Amazing, right… The conscious mind can process approximately 132 bits per second of information. Now that still sounds like quite a bit of information in one second, yet this does not compare to the subconscious. So what does this mean for you? It means that approximately .6% of your life is being directed by your conscious mind while a whopping 99.4% of your life is being directed by your subconscious mind. As example, this is why so many people can walk around all day, consciously saying to themselves that they are going to lose weight, know what to do to actually lose weight, yet never hitting those goals. Or perhaps hitting these goals, only to put the weight back on, or perhaps even more. Weight loss is just one example though. This can, and will, affect every level of your health. So what drives the subconscious mind?           The subconscious mind thinks in pictures and feelings. Most people are trying to create change in their life with their words only, yet your subconscious mind is not hearing this. You’ve got to put those words into pictures and feelings. If you doubt this, create and awareness for how you feel and the picture you hold about your life and I will bet that this is how your health is showing up for you on so many levels. Many people do not want to face these thoughts because this is the ultimate level of responsibility for us. As example, if I am having a health issue, I look at how I have been feeling emotionally and I create an awareness of what pictures I have had about my life recently. A good friend and mentor of mine Micheal Stevenson once shared with me that these states can be considered hypnotic states. We simply get stuck in a thought pattern based on feelings and pictures that then creates your life. Good or bad… As an example, if I were to get bloated, this could lead to feelings and pictures of embarrassment, not being good enough, I’ve done something wrong, etc.. If I hold onto these pictures and feelings, I am most likely going to create deeper challenges for myself, because of the subconscious mind. Instead of focusing on the feelings and pictures of what’s wrong, I will search my recent past to understand my responsibility for this. Perhaps I ate some questionable food, maybe I was burning the candle at both ends and my immune system function was down, which lead to a gut infection infestation. Maybe there were other issues such as poor sleep or more, you get the picture. Once I take responsibility, I can create new pictures and feelings. Perhaps gratitude that I realize what I did to create this, knowing that I can make new, healthier choices. I can picture myself in the future, lean and healthy, while allowing myself to feel this future self. This is what creates the shift needed for lasting change. So what pictures and feelings are you living in right now? Are these pictures and feelings empowering or disempowering? This is the single biggest factor for you health and I have see this consistently with thousands of clients through the years. Now I am not saying to ignore your functional issues, protocols and programs that you may be following for your health. I am just saying that to reach our ultimate health goals, addressing this subconscious level will be essential for you to create lasting change in you life. This is a much deeper subject than can be expressed in a short article, so I want to let you know how you can get much deeper, comprehensive information on this subject. Our Depke Wellness expert on this level of health is April Martin and she is presenting an upcoming lecture/workshop on Tuesday August 9, 2016. This is a live event at our office and this is also going to be recorded for those that do not have the ability to attend in person. Good news, this is sponsored by Depke Wellness so it is of no cost to you!  If you have the opportunity to attend live, make this effort, because April is also going to create a hands on experience during this event. You’ll love it! So remember, your subconscious mind is the single biggest factor in your health and life. If you have any comments or questions regarding this article please post this on our Facebook page or on our Twitter page for us to address personally. Contact Depke Wellness directly here. “The products on this page have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”