Here are some interesting facts tied into our shopping choices, insurance costs and a potentially very scary fact for all of us.
- Due to our cultural shift in nutritional integrity, In 2010 fresh format grocery stores experienced an impressive sales gains of 10.8%
- 99.7% of US shoppers bought some fresh fruits or veggies when shopping. Here are the most popular:
o Bananas 85.9%
o Potatoes 84.3%
o Onions 82.7%
o Tomatoes 80.5%
o Citrus Fruits 73.0%
o Apples 71.0%
- · Many companies are now offering wellness programs to assist in lowering their health care costs. Here are the most popular offered:
o Wellness programs 59%
o Smoking cessation programs 39%
o Health screenings 38%
o Fitness center subsidy/reimbursement 35%
o Weight loss programs 30%
o Nutritional counseling 19%
o On site fitness classes 12%
o Health care premium discount for getting annual health risk assessment 10%
- The SCARY interesting fact is “man-made” meat
o Scientists in the Netherlands are working to make beef in labs from about 10,000 stem cells collected by cattle
o They hope to mass produce beef WITHOUT cattle
o Whether you are a meat eater or vegan, this could be scary. Ouch!