Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, is a modern epidemic, especially among women. Most conventional medical doctors do insufficient testing, don’t ask enough questions about the patient, and are far too quick to prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone before they understand what is happening with a person’s biochemistry. Qualified functional wellness practitioners, such as myself, will discover the root cause of your hypothyroid symptoms and in most cases will not find thyroid hormone supplementation necessary. Here are four reasons to get a second — and even third — opinion from a qualified functional wellness practitioner.
- Synthroid and Armour only cover up symptoms.
- Often, the problem is not a lack of thyroid hormone.
- Long-term supplementation with synthetic or natural thyroid hormone will slow and eventually shut down your thyroid’s ability to produce any hormone.
- About 90% of hypothyroid cases are actually Hashimoto’s thyroiditis