by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath
I can confidently say that you have probably shared that you’ve “lost your mind” at some point in the past.
But when you said this, did you really mean that you lost your mind?
Heck, I have used this phrase loosely in the past but I never really felt this in the way that I did the other night.
Let me explain…
I was presenting a live training webinar for Hawthorn University on female hormones recently, with a scheduled time of just over two hours, if we include prewebinar set up, actual training time and Q/A.
Just prior to the beginning of this, something felt “off” with my head and I had what I would have explained as an aura. This is an odd sensation that somebody may get prior to passing out, having a seizure or at the onset of a migraine. I made sure that I grabbed a snack, hydrated and had a cup of tea ready before I had to jump on the webinar.
Something still felt “off” but I figured everything would be fine.
Well, it did not quite work out that way.
After our prewebinar set up was complete, the moderator of this trainer spoke for about five minutes and then introduced me. After the introduction I went into a short story and then it happened.
I truly lost my mind!
As I started to read the first couple of slides, I can remember reading the words and actually not knowing what they were and how to pronounce them.
My vision was distorted, but not as much as my mind was. Yikes…
Imagine looking at a sentence, knowing that you know what every word is, means and how it is pronounced, yet this goes away.
All of a sudden, the words do not make sense, you cannot pronounce them or truly understand what is going on.
Yes, I did lose my mind.
I knew this had something to do with the “off” feeling I had just prior to the training, but I never would have expected, or imagined what I was going through.
I was even considering stopping and telling the moderator that I could not continue. Later I found out after that she was actually thinking the same thing.
Scary, right?!
Somehow, not so gracefully, I made it through the first couple of slides.
I admittedly had to change some of the words with words that I had in my mind that I understood and I had hoped for the best.
After a few minutes of this (it seemed like and eternity), my mind came back.
I was able to read, understand and pronounce the words again and in the end, completed the entire training and Q/A. This was almost two hours of content after I initially “lost my mind.”
When it was all said and done, I jumped on the phone with the moderator and she shared her concern. She was actually concerned that I was having a stroke or something very serious and she was just as happy as I was when I snapped out of it. I explained to her that I think the aura was the onset of a migraine that hit me at the absolutely worst time.
Not there is any good time for a migraine.
But this was not what you would consider typical of a migraine. No extreme pain, sensitivity to light, nausea but there was some distorted vision.
While I was happy that I recovered quickly, this was not to be ignored. After all, I have a serious family history of neurologically degeneration and I intend on keeping my brain happy and healthy throughout my life.
I took steps immediately, which is what you want to do when your body provides a strong message.
There were already supplements in my home to enhance brain function and anti-inflammatory aids that I felt would help as well. And of course, I took all of these right away.
The next day, I set out to get to the bottom of this right away and it turns out that there was an infection in my gut that was also impacting my brain. After all, what happens in the gut, happens in the brain as well.
You’ve heard me talk about the gut/brain connection in the past, and if you have not, click here to read this now.
So now I am taking some supplements to help my immune system overcome the infection and I am going to address this immune response with frequency support as well.
While I felt fine after those few minutes, I am 100% focused on taking care of this.
If I have anything to say about it, this will never happen to me again.
So what could I have done differently?
Actually, I did notice some gut/brain “thing” going on over the past couple of weeks, but I just ignored it, figuring that my immune system would take care of whatever is going on.
Maybe a little bit of “sucking it up” as well.
That was foolish as I can see now.
So I wrote this so you pay attention to what your body is telling you.
If you ever truly feel like you have lost your mind, or any symptom for that matter, you want to pay attention to this. And be sure you pay attention to those little signals your body gives you. Because if you don’t, your body will throw something significant at you to get your attention.
I would confidently say that had I paid attention tot he gut/brain “thing” that was going on for a couple of weeks, I never would have “lost my mind.”
So learn from my mistake.
Pay attention to your big symptoms, as well as the small ones.
Don’t wait until you lose your mind.
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