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by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath

Last week we started a conversation regarding the number one factor in anti-aging which is the health of your brain.

If you missed that article, you can read this here.

Last week I left you hanging a bit. I discussed the impact of your brain on anti-aging and even provided some simple assessments to understand the level of brain health you are likely living into right now.

Perhaps you found yourself likely living with early to moderated signs of an aging brain?

And now your thinking “what the heck has caused this?”

Today we are going to address this.

If you are in an early to moderate likelihood of signs of an aging brain, we definitely have some areas to address.

Underlying Challenges for Your Brain

Poor Peripheral Circulation

This is a significant issue for many people today and likely something you’re dealing with right now. If you do not have proper peripheral circulation your body will have a tough time pushing blood to the small capillaries in the extremities of your body.

Now, you may notice this more prominently with recognized cold hands or feet, or even numbness or tingling in your hands and feet. This is often due to the lack of blood flow to these areas.

But that covers two of your three most extreme positions of your body. Where’s your third extremity of your body?

If you guessed your brain, you are right on!

So if you are not getting enough blood flowing to your brain, you will restrict oxygen and nutrient uptake in your brain.

Leading to an aging brain of course.

So how can you tell if this is the case for you?

Take a look at your fingernails. Based on assessment tools in Traditional Chinese Medicine, you should have a white “half moon” at the base of your thumb, index
Lunulae (Half Moon)

finger, middle finger and ring finger with no moon on the little (pinky) finger.

If you are missing any moons, this shows a likelihood of this poor circulation we are discussing.

When most hear of this, the thought is that you have to do more cardiovascular activity. You know, more running, biking, aerobics, etc..

That is not the case though.

Poor peripheral circulation is not a cardiovascular issue, it is a brain issue.

Understand that it is your brain the regulates circulation, so in addressing the circulation issue, it is necessary to address the brain. I most often recommend a collection of herbs in a formula called VeinLite to assist on this level.

Feeding Your Brain

A quality diet combing health fats, protein and vegetables is important for your brain and you have likely already heard of the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids for brain health. I agree with this and regularly recommend Krill Oil to my clients and did you know that there is one important part of the omega 3 that is essential for your brain?

This is the DHA part of the omega 3. When I have clients an aging brain, I recommend a supplement that is very high in this DHA component. Basically I refer to this as brain food.

Your Blood/Brain Barrier

This is a big factor for so many clients and perhaps you personally.

The blood/brain barrier actually protects your brain from toxins and poisons from moving from your blood into your brain. If this barrier is not working properly, this will allow these toxins to move into your brain, thus leading to any combination of fatigue, headaches, brain fog, body aches/pains, and you guessed it, an aging brain.

We use a simple test in our office called the “GABA Challenge” to assess the health of your blood/brain barrier and you can do this too. You want to complete the GABA Challenge for yourself!

Simply reach out to and request the GABA challenge. We’ll gladly send this out to you at no cost to you anywhere in the continental United States. Slight shipping/handling charge outside of the continental US.

Your Stress Levels

Stress can play a significant role in your brain health. As other systems begin to fail in your body such as your stress hormone system, stress begins to have an accumulated affect on your brain. It can be compared to having and inbox for your mail that you never empty. The mail would pile up quickly, wouldn’t it?

This build up of stress to the brain does create a negative impact on overall brain function and leads to the aging brain.

While it is not likely that you can actually reduce the overall stress in your life, there are tools to help perceive stress differently and process this in a healthy manner.

Below we will also discuss how your stress hormone system (adrenal glands) also impact this response.

Blood Sugar

Your blood sugar requires a very narrow range to properly maintain the health of your brain. This is why your body produces two different hormones, insulin and glucagon, to keep your blood sugar where it needs to be.

And why does it need to be in this range?

Because your brain requires that very narrow range to function properly and maintain over health and balance.

Your blood sugar balance is mainly impacted by:

  • Your nutritional choices
  • Your exercise
  • Your adrenal function
  • Inflammation in your body

I see all of these above as routine challenges for most.

Stress Hormones

This is a significant area of concern mostly because as a whole, we are a majorly “stressed out” society. When your stress hormones (adrenal glands) are fatigued, this impacts your brain in many ways.

  • This directly affects your pancreas and regulation of blood sugar
  • This directly affects your overall neural connectivity (brain function)
  • This affects your ability to cope with stressful situations
  • This affects your metabolism of protein, thus lowering your production of neurotransmitters, which are essential for communication between the neurons in your brain
  • Affects your sleep, which impacts brain health
  • Impact toxicity which can play a role in toxicity entering your brain


As mentioned above neurotransmitters are essential for the neurons in your brain to communicate. This can be challenged due to:

  • Poor digestion
  • Chronic stress
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Toxicity
  • Drugs (prescription and recreational)
  • Alcohol
  • Nicotine
  • Caffeine
  • Inflammation

To help you assess what area is affecting your brain, leading to the aging brain and pushing your metabolic age much to fast, I have provided and assessment for you here below.

Get Your Free Brain Assessment Here

Once you complete your brain assessment, feel free to email that to us at and we can share our perspective on your assessment.

After all, everyone wants a healthy brain and a much younger metabolic age!


If you have any comments or questions regarding this article please post this on our Facebook page or on our Twitter page for us to address personally.

Apply for Your Opportunity to “Feel Young Again” With Depke Wellness

You can also call our office direct at (800) 960-2755.

“The products on this page have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”