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by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath

OK, so what does diabetes, obesity and chronic inflammation have to do with each other?
How about everything!
Any one of these challenges can easily and silently lead into the others. I say silently because this is often asymptomatic. People often go years without knowing they have chronic inflammation and blood sugar issues because the body has it’s own ways of compensation that maintains the best balance possible. While it is a gift that our bodies have this capability, it is often a long term challenge because we are not dealing with the issues that may become our long term demise.
Not that obesity does not go unnoticed but it often is not dealt with because when diet and exercise don’t seem to work, people do not know where to turn.
So how do these lead into each other?
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Let’s first start with the noticeable, which is obesity. When we increase fat cells in our body, this is one of the triggers for inflammation. When the inflammation itself becomes chronic, this can lead to further blood sugar instability, insulin resistance and finally to diabetes. The same pathway that creates this response also leads to increased inflammation.
The inflammatory trigger can look much different. The triggers for chronic inflammation are food intolerance, mental/emotional stress, infection and obesity. Once the inflammation is triggered this can not only lead to what is mentioned above, this can also lead to autoimmunity. This autoimmune reaction can lead to an attack on your pancreas and an eventual diagnosis of Type II Diabetes. Even this would be diagnosed as Type II, it is often a misdiagnosed autoimmune destruction of your pancreas, thus leading to more weight gain and inflammatory issues.
Now from the diabetic aspect. Once you have developed diabetes, your body has already had long term issues with dealing with sugar. Blood sugar is out of control, insulin resistance is already a long term challenge, and your pancreas is simply not playing its regulatory role with blood glucose levels. This ultimately leads to weight gain and chronic inflammatory states.
Now there is the person which I call “skinny fat” that is dealing with these chronic issues yet weight gain is not a challenge for them. This is often tied in a “wasting syndrome” the develops from the chronic inflammatory state. This can often be much more challenging than someone that is obese.
Please understand that just because your skinny, does not mean your out of the woods.
So if you think any of the patterns are a challenge for you, what’s next?
Before you do anything else, it is of utmost importance to take care of fatigue after meals and inflammation. 
The fatigue after meals occurs when glucose is too high, thus creating one of or both dynamics. Either increasing triglycerides or a production of free radicals that that can damage the nerves, blood vessels or kidneys. For this you would eliminate potential inflammatory foods and likely add in some supplementation to assist in blood sugar regulation. One that is often mention is the mineral chromium but there are others that can assist as well. I mention the inflammatory foods and supplements because as mention earlier, just removing sugar and exercising itself, often does not fix the issues. Click here to learn more.
The other first step is to create an anti inflammatory affect. This is extremely important because the inflammation alone can create obesity, insulin resistance and even a autoimmune diabetic condition. This is addressed nutritionally as well as the use of supplements. Once you are in the chronic inflammatory condition, the supplements are needed to push you out of the inflammatory feed back loops. The key is diet, and getting the correct aggressive dose of the proper anti inflammatory supplements to allow your body to rid itself of this ugly pattern.
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