by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Before we get into discussing antibiotics, let’s first look at the definition of this word. Anti is defined as “opposed to; against.” Biotic is defined as “of, relating to, or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations.” So on a level we can simplify the word antibiotic as “opposed to life.” On one level this makes sense and on many others it does not. Where this does make sense is for the person that is prescribed an antibiotic for an essential need, such as a detrimental bacterial infection that cannot be addressed naturally. Having an “opposed to life” in regard to a detrimental bacteria that is creating challenges and potentially hurting you makes all the sense in the world. As mentioned just previously, when you cannot address a detrimental bacteria naturally or if you have a bacterial infection that would create further harm or potentially kill you, an antibiotic is often a good idea. After all, I am not the holistic guy that bashes conventional medicine and ALL use of antibiotics. After all, there is a time and a place. As example, I once had a client email me a picture of her arm exposing a staph infection that started on her hands and was moving up her arm. She sent the picture because she was curious of my opinion of what she can add to her tea tree oil to address the staph infection. I simply, yet quickly replied to her to go to her doctor or a hospital to address this with an appropriate antibiotic because this could potentially create serious issues and even death. That was not a time to experiment with a natural treatment on it’s own. On the flip side of that, I personally had minor surgery to remove a cyst near my armpit that would occasionally become infected. I was prescribed an antibiotic from the surgeon for precautionary reasons. I discussed my desire to address this naturally with the surgeon and he gave me a thumbs up to address this naturally. Hopefully you can see that these are two completely different circumstances and address accordingly as well as taking every aspect of your personal situation into account. And always include your doctor in this decision. With all this said, we keep hearing about the dangers of overuse of antibiotics. So what are some issues with antibiotics?
- First off antibiotic resistance is a widespread problem, and one that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls “one of the world’s most pressing public health problems.”
- Antibiotics does not just destroy bad bacteria, this also destroys good bacteria.
- This is one of the reasons that many people can develop yeast/Candida issues after antibiotic use or even Leaky Gut.
- As mentioned above, may types of bacteria are now antibiotic resistant, which means you can be using an antibiotic with little to zero efficiency.
- Another problem is that often antibiotics are simply prescribed for almost and health issue. Antibiotics are for bacterial infections, yet can be recommended for people challenged with a viral infection. This makes no sense what-so-ever.
As an example, here is a list of challenges where antibiotics are often prescribed, yet they are not beneficial.
- Cold
- Flu (influenza)
- Bronchitis
- Most coughs
- Most sore throats
- Some ear infections
- Some sinus infections
- Stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis)
- Garlic
- Onion
- Turmeric
- Curry powder
- Ginger
- Cinnamon
- Cardamon
- Various oils such as oregano, thyme, basil, lavender, and more.
- Raw Honey
- Pau d’Arco
- Olive leaf extract
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Echinacea
- Goldenseal
- Colloidal silver
- Gut health
- Gut, brain, immune connection
- Immune system function
- Adrenal function