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Thank you to Dr. Chi from Chi Enterprise for allowing us to reproduce this information article for you. Enjoy!

Earlier this year, in May, Dr. Chi met a 66-year-old patient who had chronic urinary tract infection (UTI) and frequently drank cranberry juice for more than half a year. She already had severe edema (Figure 1) and had to be sent to the hospital twice where she was treated with antibiotics. When Dr. Chi saw her, clinical data showed that her heart, kidney and liver functions were already poor. Her HbA1c level was already high (indicating diabetes). He advised her not to wait for the kidney specialist. The following day, she was sent to the hospital for the third time where she was given the intravenous antibiotic, Vancomycin, for sepsis.

In this case, sepsis could have been avoided in many ways. Paying attention to her symptoms (e.g., edema) could have helped prevent the infection from getting worse. She was already treated twice with antibiotics in the past. Cranberry juice can help flush out the kidneys by promoting urination; however, it has high sugar content. So while it may have helped improve her urination, it was making her diabetes, and even her infection worse (sugar feeds infections). There are natural antibiotic supplements like Kidney Chi that could have helped her fight the infection, with or without antibiotics.

While an antibiotic is absolutely necessary for severe bacterial infections, natural supplements like Kidney Chi and Bamboo Extract can help shorten the antibiotic treatment period. Both Kidney Chi and Bamboo Extract have been proven to have such properties and have been found effective by themselves or in conjunction with antibiotics for bacterial infections.

KIDNEY CHI:  A Natural Antibiotic
Natural antibacterial and anti-candida supplement for genital and urinary conditions
Kidney Chi is an all-natural herbal supplement shown to be excellent for fighting bacterial infections like UTI, prostatitis, vaginitis and more. In a study on 6,512 patients with various kidney, urinary tract and genital infections, Kidney Chi had an overall effectiveness of 64.34%. Table 1 lists some of the conditions that were helped with the use of Kidney Chi.

One of the main reasons for Kidney Chi’s effectiveness is its inhibitory action against a variety of bacteria, such as:

  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • E. coli
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Bacillus proteus
  • Bacillus typhosus
  • Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Streptococcus pneumonia

It even has inhibitory effect on Candida albicans, unlike antibiotic drugs which actually increase the risk for candida infections.

Look for these signs of Kidney/Bladder Infection

Sometimes we may not know that we have an infection. So be aware of these symptoms and markers, as they may signal a possible infection that can affect kidney and bladder function:

  • Edema (see Figure 1)
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Frequent or difficulty urinating
  • Puffy face in the morning

KIDNEY CHI: Make it part of your First Aid Regimen

So if you see these signs, or if you have a history of frequent or recurrent bladder infections, vaginitis or UTI, take Kidney Chi with Asparagus Extract. It is also handy to have Kidney Chi with you when traveling to avoid infections. Furthermore, as the study shows, it helps with several sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and vaginitis. If you get a burning sensation after intercourse, take Kidney Chi right away. In short, make it part of your first aid regimen to help fight genital, urinary or systemic bacterial or fungal infections naturally. It is safe to take with antibiotics and will even help cut the treatment period shorter.

R.B., 52 y/o/m from FL, was hospitalized for a week for E. coli infection where he was given intravenous antibiotics. Three weeks later, he again complained of pressure and burning pain in the groin area and had a puffy face, signifying that his prostate, kidney, urethra, etc. were infected again. Kidney Chi, Asparagus Extract and Bathdetox were recommended. After 1 day, he already felt much better and he regained his energy.

A. Sayler, CN from FL, has a 53 y/o/f patient diagnosed with kidney infection. She was given Cipro and other antibiotics for a year with no use. Then she used Asparagus Extract, Kidney Chi. Two months later, her infection cleared.

BAMBOO EXTRACT: Natural Antibacterial and Antiviral Supplement for Respiratory Infections
Similar to Kidney Chi, Bamboo Extract has potent antibacterial action against the above bacteria as well as Bacillus pneumonia, Bacillus dysenterine and Bacillus influenza. By itself, it is recommended for chronic respiratory infections. For severe and acute bacterial infections in the respiratory system, Bamboo Extract is recommended in conjunction with antibiotics to help shorten the treatment period.The many healthy components of Bamboo Extract are considered to be the primary reason for its respiratory benefits. It contains over 17 amino acids, which help break the disulfide bonds in sticky components of bronchial secretion. This reduces the density of phlegm, diluting it in the airway and making it easier to cough out the phlegm. Its anti-inflammatory action also contributes to the relief of respiratory symptoms, such as expectoration, bronchial inflammation and shortness of breath.

Furthermore, what makes Bamboo Extract special is it also has antiviral properties, making it a good supplement for the colds and the flu. One of Bamboo Extract’s chemical constituents, which is similar to guaiacul, the main ingredient of Tamiflu, contributes to its effectiveness for viral infections. In fact, during the H1N1 flu outbreak in Asia years ago, Bamboo Extract became a very popular supplement to help combat the symptoms.

Look for these signs of an upper respiratory infection

Symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath are typical signs of a respiratory infection.

If you also see a white coating on the tongue (Figure 2), this is a sign of low immunity and likely a respiratory infection. Many people with colds or the flu have this marker. You will also see this in oral thrush or candidiasis (caused by the candida fungus).

For any type of upper respiratory infections, Bamboo Extract is an excellent supplement. It works quickly for chronic and acute respiratory infections, especially in children, young adults and the elderly. Whether you have the flu, a cold or cough, take Bamboo Extract immediately at the first sign or symptom to quickly fight the infection. Bamboo Extract also has synergistic effect with antibiotics such as Cephalexin.

L. Klinker, RN, has a patient who has had lung issues since birth. Doctors keep telling her they’re just allergies or sinusitis but she has had persistent coughing. Then she tried Bamboo Extract. After a few months, her coughing and other symptoms cleared.

J. Fowler from FL reports on a client who had severe bronchitis with phlegm and sinus infection. Within 3 days of starting Bamboo Extract and Sinus Chi, her cough lessened and her sinus began draining. After one week, her lungs were clear. She had no cough and the phlegm was almost gone.

J. Rupolo, DC, CCN, from NY, has a male patient with a lump in the neck/lymph node for 2 months. He tried many methods to try to get rid of it but to no avail. Then Bamboo Extract was recommended to him. After only 2 days, the lump disappeared.

R. Welch, DC from CA, has a 6-year-old boy patient who took Bamboo Extract for colds and infectious asthma. “…Not only did the Bamboo Extract help him get over the colds in a week and a half but I have also not had to use his inhaler once in over 6 months.”

Any time you have a kidney, bladder or urinary tract infection, or suspect one, take Kidney Chi right away to keep the infection from getting worse. Make Kidney Chi part of your first aid regimen for such conditions. Also when you are traveling, take Kidney Chi with you as you may be easily exposed to different bacteria and possible sexually transmitted disease.For respiratory infections, whether bacterial or viral, take Bamboo Extract immediately to reduce symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath.

Kidney Chi and Bamboo Extract would be good to add to your first aid regimen to immediately address infections naturally.

For systemic bacterial infections, both Kidney Chi and Bamboo Extract can be taken. For severe infections, both can be taken with antibiotic drugs for synergistic effects.



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“The products on this page have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”