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by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath

After writing last weeks article “Is Adrenal Fatigue a Lie?“, this got my mind working.

There are so many lies about health. Some new, some old and some likely being made up as I write this. So I am going to start a campaign to expose the “health lies” that you have been told throughout your life.

I am going to start producing videos on the Depke Wellness FB page to uncover these lies for you from the past and as new lies appear. Go this link here and “like” and follow Depke Wellness to enjoy these videos.

I don’t want you to wait for my videos though, so I will uncover some of these lies here for you below.

  1. Eating Fat Makes You Fat
    • This has been a lie since the late 70’s. Remember that times when we all went low fat or no fat and were told to eat grains? Heck, there was a bagel store popping up on every street corner in those days. And what did we do? As a culture, we went low fat and no fat and what happened? We got fatter.
    • The thought was that weight gain was about calories and since fat is the most caloric dense food, we were told to stop eating fat. Wow, was that ever wrong on so many levels.
    • The biological fact is that when you eat fat, your body uses that fat it needs and then releases the excess fat via the breath or urine. Based on this we truly do not even have to consider fat calories.
    • The problem comes in when you over-consume carbohydrates and drive up glucose and insulin. When insulin is high, the fat that we do not use then drives up triglycerides (fat in the blood) and is stored as body fat.
    • Do feel free to eat you fat, just make sure you keep your insulin levels low.
  2. Eating Eggs Raises Your Cholesterol
    • This has been a two fold lie. Number one, nobody typically eats enough eggs to truly affect cholesterol levels and by eliminated eggs, we actually eliminate on of the best sources of your essential amino acids.
    • The truth is that when you eat an egg or any other food considered to affect cholesterol levels, only about 10% or so of this is truly involved in your those levels.
    • Cholesterol is produced in the cells of you body with most of this produced in your liver.
    • Your body produces cholesterol based on a need. After all, you need to to produce hormones and is also necessary for every cell membrane of your body as well as your myelin sheath, which is an important component of your nervous system.
    • Enjoy your eggs! (Unless you happen to have a food sensitivity to them of course)
    • Here is the best book you’ll ever read on the myths about cholesterol.
  3. Vegetable Oils are Best for Cooking
    • Heck, even the American Heart Association says to use vegetable oil because they are “heart healthy” so it must be true. After all, saturated fat is bad. (That’s another lie for another day)
    • The truth is that when you heat the typical vegetable oil such as corn, soybean, safflower or sunflower, you are cooking oils with a broken bond. When you heat an oil that has broken bonds or a non-saturated oil, the structure of the oil is manipulated and this converts into what is known as a trans fat. And the trans fats can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and inflammatory conditions.
    • So when your going to cook, use a saturated fat. In our house, we use organic butter, coconut oil, saved bacon grease (just like grandma used to) and occasionally avocado oil.
  4. Salt is Bad for You
    • First note that I am talking about “real” salt such as Himalayan salt or Celtic salt. These salts contain approximately 80 or so different minerals as a part of the salt crystal and is actually very healthy.
    • Salt (read salt) is needed for nervous system function, heart health, supporting adrenal glands, hydration and more.
    • The crap that we are typically given is not natural salt at all, it is simply two minerals, sodium and chloride. What’s funny about his is that when you look it up, sodium/chloride is “known” as salt. In other words, it really is not salt and eating this actually depletes minerals in your body because of the other missing 78 or so minerals that would be naturally occurring in “real” salt.
    • So enjoy your salt to taste, just make sure it is a real, natural salt crystal.
  5. Birth Control Balances Hormones
    • Since I work often with woman and hormones, I hear this one all the time. I have been told to take “the pill” to help me balance my hormones. What?
    • Birth control actually is a endocrine disruptor, which means is imbalances your hormones.
    • This will synthetically push a woman’s hormones to menopause levels which will create immediate and likely long term hormone issues.
    • Not withstanding and increased risk of breast cancer.
  6. Soy is a Health Food
    • Soy’s healthy right? After all we have all this research telling us that the Asian culture that has eaten soy for decades is so much healthier because of this consumption. So off you go purchasing your soy protein isolates, using soy milk, eating soy ice cream, soy cheese, imitation meats and more. All in the goal of good health right?
    • Oops, they left out a little piece of information. The traditional Asian culture would have only consumed naturally fermented soy. Soy choices such natto, miso, tempeh and a true fermented soy sauce.
    • All the non-fermented soy is actually garbage for you body and that does not even take into account that most soy these days is GMO as well.
    • Makes you think twice about your soy latte?

So look for more lies exposed on the videos coming up on the Depke Wellness FB page and if you want a good read on many lies we have been told, get The Hundred Year Lie here. This is a very eye-opening book.

If you have any comments or questions regarding this article please post this on our Facebook page or on our Twitter page for us to address personally.

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